Chamber Staff
Mary Rains, Executive Director
Kellye Rodriguez, Office Manager
Jazmin Oakley, Marketing Specialist
2024-2025 Board of Director's
We are proud of Andrews, Texas and its unique history, as well as the giant strides in progress the community has taken since it’s founding in 1908. The pioneers of Andrews brought with them an enterprising spirit that remains to this day. The environment of support, cooperation, and collaboration is the reason we have been recognized as a vibrant and forward-moving community.
Andrews is known for its oil, ranching, and over 13,000 friendly, active people; plus the quality of life encompasses an excellent school system and first-class health care facilities. Superb law enforcement, fire protection, and ambulance services also add to the quality amenities in our way of life. Andrews offers the advantages that come with residing in a smaller city – a low cost of living, a very low crime rate, fresh, clean air, and plenty of good neighbors.
Located at the geographic center of the Permian Basin, a vast reserve of oil and gas, Andrews has taken advantage of its wealth of natural resources to reinvest in its infrastructure and education with vision and fiscal responsibility. The City of Andrews and Andrews County are 100% debt-free, a rare accomplishment in today’s economy.
We believe it would be hard to match our community in education, health care, quality of life, and activities for both young and old. Nowhere is it more evident than the exceptional city of Andrews, which offers a blend of Western living, small-town America, and all the amenities of a modern day lifestyle.
Ask any resident of Andrews why they have chosen to live here, and the answers will be as varied as the people who make it their home. Some are here because this is where they have chosen to raise and educate their families. Others love the open plains and beautiful, breathtaking sunsets. Many enjoy the simple, but excellent quality of life, coupled with the lower cost of living. And still some will say the medical facilities here are second to none. Indeed, Andrews is a quality community of positive energy.
If you’re looking for a place to raise a family or relocate a business, you’ll find a “quality” environment and a “forward-looking” community that is warm and welcoming. We invite you to see for yourself why we say, ”it’s a great place to visit, and an even better place to live!”
Meet the Chamber
The Andrews Chamber is a private, non-profit corporation with a 501-C6 designation and serves as a voluntary organization of citizens who invest their time and money in a community development program. There is a misconception that the Chamber is run by the City and/or the County governments. This is not true. We are run solely on membership dues. Membership dues help support our day-to-day operations and community events, such as the 4th of July Festivities, Holly Jolly Weekend, and Leadership Andrews, which are led by our Chamber volunteer organizations.
Andrews Chamber of Commerce Volunteer Organizations:
Andrews Veterans Memorial
Andrews Mesquite Burners
Andrews Hispanic Heritage Committee
Keep Andrews Beautiful
Women’s Division
Chamber membership benefits include referrals, free radio advertising, monthly receipt of the Chamber Notes newsletter, networking contacts, alphabetical listing on website, bulk mail postage discount, community event sponsorships, ribbon cutting ceremony and picture published in Andrews County News. Members are encouraged to attend events, take advantage of special services, and get involved with Chamber committees. This increases members’ voices in the community, and presents a unified voice on issues of interest and concern to businesses.
Active membership in the Chamber of Commerce carries with it a sense of accomplishment and inner satisfaction from the knowledge that you are sharing in an important community investment. Although everyone benefits from the work of the Chamber, you can only expect those benefits with a sense of pride if you have a part in bringing them about. If you are not active in the Chamber, we encourage you to call us at (432) 523-2695 and discover the many privileges of membership!